BIOMAT brings the future car’s polyurethane-based foams to the Automotive Interiors Expo Europe 2021

How can the automotive industry be more sustainable? The solution is in BIOMAT project and it will be highlighted at Automotive Interiors Expo, the European exhibition that takes place between November 9th and 11th, in Stuttgart, Germany.

The Automotive Interiors Expo Europe is one of the biggest events for the sector and brings together the world’s leading manufacturers of vehicle interior components and systems. The event is a great opportunity to get familiar with the latest developments in materials for the automotive sector, such as a wide range of fabrics, acoustical materials, shape-forming materials and foams, fasteners and adhesive systems, lighting and more. Just the perfect place for BIOMAT.

BIOMAT’s main goal is to establish an Open Innovation Test Bed (BIOMAT-TB) to provide technologies transfer and related services to the European SMEs and industries, thus, accelerating and facilitating the uptake of the innovations in nano-enabled biobased polyurethanes (bio-PUR).

Throughout the Project, demonstrators will be developed for industries such as Building, Construction, Automotive, Furniture & Bedding sectors. For the automotive, the demonstrators will be bio-PUR based seat cushions, head seats, and steering wheels.

The BIOMAT Project and its impact on the industry will be disclosed at the From Portugal showcase (A4448 and A4451).

BIOMAT’s Pilot Lines: Pioneering the Future of Bio-PUR Functional Foams
BIOMAT Webinar: Business Support Services for SMEs and industries
BIOMAT Webinar: Advanced Technical Services for Material Innovation
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BIOMAT’s 2nd Open Call is open
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BIOMAT aims to revolutionise the Building & Construction, Automotive and Furniture & Bedding markets
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BIOMAT is hosting a free hybrid workshop in Germany on July 20th
BIOMAT’s sustainable materials and solutions for the Automotive sector highlighted in Italy
BIOMAT Open Call featured in an event organised by EUBIA
European SMEs and industries can apply for BIOMAT’s services free of charge
BIOMAT promotes free Workshop for SMEs to accelerate the European bioeconomy
BIOMAT presented in Madrid at Construtec
BIOMAT was highlighted in Germany at The Greener Manufacturing Show
Pre-registration for BIOMAT-TB is now available!
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BIOMAT at the 5th National Conference of Rigid Polyurethane Foam in Italy
BIOMAT presents its Single-Entry Point at an online workshop which included 4 Open Innovation Test Beds (OITB)
Meet BIOMAT’s partners
There is a European Project that wants to make Europe more sustainable
BIOMAT Project kick-off meeting: the future starts now!