BIOMAT aims to revolutionise the Building & Construction, Automotive and Furniture & Bedding markets

BIOMAT identified the Building & Construction, Automotive, and Furniture & Bedding sectors as having a significant demand for nano-enabled bio-based polyurethane (PUR) foams. Thus, the Project selected these as the target markets for proof of concept of the developed services and technologies.

Through the established Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB), BIOMAT aims to accelerate and facilitate the uptake of these innovative materials. The main goal is to enhance Europe’s bioeconomy competitiveness and sustainability and replace the typical petroleum-based foams.

For the Building & Construction industries, the Project is producing waterproofing lining road tunnels, moulded insulation and sandwich panels. These will have reduced energy consumption, improved thermal and mechanical performance, and enhanced properties and capabilities, such as high heat and noise insulation, flame retardance, hydrophobicity and hydrolysis stability, and antifungal and anti-rotting.

BIOMAT also intends to make the European Automotive Industry, which is among the world’s biggest producers of motor vehicles, more environment-friendly. The Project paves the way towards safe and sustainable plastic-based car parts like seat cushions, headrests, and steering wheels. The result will reduce car energy consumption, CO2 emissions and life-cycle costs and improve reliability and durability. Besides, the materials will have enriched mechanical performance and fire, UV, chemical, hydrolytic and wear resistance.

Furthermore, a new generation of polymers is also being created for the Furniture and Bedding Industry for application, for example, in mattresses, upholstered sofas and chairs. The green foams with a structure based on open-cell will result in increased density, durability, flexibility, strength, fatigue resistance, form stability, air permeability, and body support. These are also Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) free.

BIOMAT is already preparing the next Open Call to allow companies to develop, upscale, and test the new nano-enabled bio-based polyurethane (PUR) foams for free. Application dates will soon be revealed.

BIOMAT’s Pilot Lines: Pioneering the Future of Bio-PUR Functional Foams
BIOMAT Webinar: Business Support Services for SMEs and industries
BIOMAT Webinar: Advanced Technical Services for Material Innovation
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BIOMAT Showcased at WAITRO SUMMIT 2024, China
BIOMAT promotes the publication of a new standard by CEN and CENELEC
BIOMAT highlighted at Workshop on Sustainability in Tunisia!
BIOMAT at the 5th International Conference on Bio-based Polymers and Composites in Hungary
Future CWA standard on Methodology for data-driven management of production processes open for public commenting
BIOMAT's participation at the GEI-SIBSC Conference
BIOMAT presented at SETAC in Spain!
BIOMAT’s innovative bioprocess solutions highlighted at ITG's Open House Event
BIOMAT highlighted in France at EUBCE 2024
BIOMAT participation at INDTech 2024
BIOMAT will work with European Standardization Organizations to innovate on production processes
BIOMAT Project's international partners convene in Barcelona to discuss progress and future plans
Sustainability celebrated in Italy: BIOMAT highlighted at MECSPE
2nd Open Call deadline extended until September 30th
BIOMAT highlighted at the European Aerosol Conference (EAC2023)
Submission Guidelines help entities submit their application for BIOMAT’s 2nd Open Call
BIOMAT’s 2nd Open Call was extended to encompass more target markets
BIOMAT’s 2nd Open Call is open
BIOMAT’s recent advances in PUR aerogels research disseminated in Spain
BIOMAT launches a Service Catalogue with the technologies available for European SMEs
International Sopot Youth Conference 2023: “Where the World is Heading”
BIOMAT participates in “Circular and Bio-based Building Solutions” Workshop
BIOMAT attends Workshop on the future of OITBs at EuroNanoForum 2023
BIOMAT results highlighted at nanoSAFE 2023
BIOMAT highlighted in Riga, Latvia
BIOMAT is hosting a free hybrid workshop in Germany on July 20th
BIOMAT’s sustainable materials and solutions for the Automotive sector highlighted in Italy
BIOMAT Open Call featured in an event organised by EUBIA
European SMEs and industries can apply for BIOMAT’s services free of charge
BIOMAT promotes free Workshop for SMEs to accelerate the European bioeconomy
BIOMAT presented in Madrid at Construtec
BIOMAT was highlighted in Germany at The Greener Manufacturing Show
Pre-registration for BIOMAT-TB is now available!
BIOMAT presented at the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) Conference 
BIOMAT publicised at the 2nd Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials
BIOMAT featured in France at SOLGEL 2022
BIOMAT present in Greece at Nanotexnology 2022
BIOMAT presented at IndTech2022 in France
BIOMAT highlighted at MECSPE 2022 in Italy
BIOMAT promotes free Workshop to boost European company’s innovation and sustainability
BIOMAT at the 5th National Conference of Rigid Polyurethane Foam in Italy
BIOMAT presents its Single-Entry Point at an online workshop which included 4 Open Innovation Test Beds (OITB)
BIOMAT brings the future car’s polyurethane-based foams to the Automotive Interiors Expo Europe 2021
Meet BIOMAT’s partners
There is a European Project that wants to make Europe more sustainable
BIOMAT Project kick-off meeting: the future starts now!